Borrowing, extending and reserving


At the various Hanze Library locations, you can borrow, extend, reserve and return books and other materials.


Via HanzeWorldCat, the search engine of our collection, you can quickly and clearly see which books, magazines, DVDs and music scores we have on our shelves. For only €25 a year, you can borrow up to 20 items at a time to use at your leisure at home. 

Curious about our collection? Search HanzeWorldCat right away or read more information about borrowing in our Library Guide. Want to become a member? How nice! Send an email to [email protected] or drop in at one of the Hanze Library locations, the staff will be happy to help you. 


Is the 3-week loan period not enough and would you like to borrow the item longer? You can extend an item up to 10 times, provided the item has not been reserved by someone else. You can extend items through the Hanze Library app or via the library website. Check our Library Guide for all borrowing periods for the various materials. 


If the book you want to borrow is out on loan, it is possible to reserve it. Once you have found the title you want to reserve in the HanzeWorldCat, click on Place Reservation or Place Hold. You can even specify from which location you want to pick up the book. You can find more information about reserving items here.