
HANZE220232 Mechanical Engineering Algemeen-27.jpg

Choosing a minor is part of your programme. A minor is a semester of elective space in which you decide what you want to learn. You can choose between an in-depth minor or a broader minor, you can take a minor from the Institute of Engineering, the Hanzehogeschool, another university of applied sciences or you can choose to take a minor abroad. In short: plenty of choice! Still no idea what you want? No worries! There is plenty of time to choose and you will find out what interests you quickly enough during your studies.

Minors from the Institute of Engineering

From the Institute of Engineering we offer a number of different in-depth minors that connect to a course in the Engineering field. For example, you can choose:


Minors from Hanze UAS

Prefer to broaden your horizon a bit? Then a different minor from Hanze UAS might be a good option for you. Wondering which minor you can take at the Hanze? Check out the offer!

Minors abroad

Would you like to go abroad during your free choice period? Then choose to study at one of our partner universities. At a foreign university you will get the chance to take on new courses, improve your languages (or learn a new language) and meet new people from different countries. You can choose from a large number of universities in a variety of countries and cities.