Unveiling artwork at student flat 'Dragant' in Selwerd


On Friday 12 May at 16:00 hrs, the artwork 'Selwerd is', designed by artist Layla May Arthur for the garden of the iconic student flat the 'Dragant' in Selwerd, will be festively unveiled. The alumnus of Minerva Art Academy (Hanze UAS) made the design commissioned by housing corporation Lefier and construction company Van Wijnen. It is a steel artwork, executed by Mannen van Staal (Men of Steel), in which the stories of the residents and the characteristic street scene of Selwerd have been incorporated in drawings.

Festive unveiling
The unveiling will take place in the garden of the Dragant, near the neighbourhood restaurant de Duindoorn. Local residents are cordially invited to attend. The artist will give an explanation of the sculpture and together with the commissioners Annet van Zuijlen (director of housing and neighbourhoods Lefier), Balster Topper (deputy director Van Wijnen) and Dorothea van der Meulen (Dean Minerva Art Academy), we will raise a glass to the placement.

About the artwork
From three designs, the neighbourhood, together with a professional jury, chose Layla May Arthur's design. The professional jury was impressed by the design in which the artist translates the stories of the neighbourhood residents into detailed drawings. With her approach, she builds a bridge between the local residents and the students. The cut-outs create a playful shadow play, which is characteristic of her style. In addition, the artwork forms a relationship with the already existing 'concrete-metal plastics' sculpture by Rotterdam sculptor Robert Maingay (1939-2016). The sculpture has been restored and has been returned. 

Renovation of three iconic student flats
The Dragant (Duindoornstraat), Cornus (Kornoeljestraat) and the Acero (Esdoornlaan) are three iconic student flats in the Selwerd district. With over 900 residential units and fifty years of history of existence, they play an important role in Groningen student life. The flats were renovated by construction company Van Wijnen on behalf of Lefier, with the last flat (Cornus) being completed in early 2022. A new cycle path was built at the back of the flats, connecting the three flats and the neighbourhood.


  • Kunst en Cultuur
