Call sessions - how to prepare?

two girls socialising

You've been invited to a call session with one of the members of our Hanze International Student Team! We will try to reach you on the designated time mentioned in the email you received.

Naturally, we recommend you to prepare your questions ahead to make the most out of this session. Not sure what to ask? We've prepared some suggestions below!

About studying at Hanze UAS

  • How are lectures organised? 

  • I heard that you do a lot of projects for real-life clients during your studies. Can you tell me more about that? 

  • What is Hanze UAS known for? 

  • Why should I choose Hanze UAS? 

  • How's the contact between students and teachers? 

  • How international is Hanze UAS? 

  • What can I do after graduating from Hanze? 

About (student) life in Groningen

  • How do you like living in Groningen? 

  • Why would you recommend Groningen? 

  • What is the cost of living in Groningen? 

  • What kind of events are organised for international students? 

  • Can you describe a typical day in your student life? 

  • What student organisations are there in Groningen? 

  • What cultural organisations are there in Groningen? 

  • Do you go around by bike a lot? 

  • How is the public transport within the city? 

  • What is your advice on how to find new friends in the city? 

  • Can you tell me about the introduction weeks?

About practical matters

  • What would I need to arrange before coming to Groningen? 

  • How can I find accommodation in Groningen? Which areas would you recommend? 

  • How do I get to Groningen? 

Of course, you can also ask any other kind of question during this call session. Our student ambassadors are well-prepared and ready to help you out!