Dr. Geert van der Sluis

Geert van der Sluis is special professor 'Peri-Hospital Functioning and Participation'. His teaching assignment focuses on the fact that curing a disease or recovering from an operation does not automatically mean that a patient can once again function optimally in their living environment (participating and making a difference).

Geert is also programme manager Research and Innovation and physiotherapist at the Nij Smellinghe hospital. Here, scientific knowledge and practical action are linked, for example with regards to prehabilitation. This means that patients train with a tailor-made programme to become physically and mentally fitter before and after surgery. This reduces the risk of complications by as much as fifty percent. With his teaching assignment, Van der Sluis tries to expand knowledge and optimise the tools to improve the physical and mental fitness of and with the patient.

Van der Sluis regularly gives guest lectures on healthcare innovation and preparing patients for a surgical procedure. Results of his research are shared nationally and internationally at symposia and conferences.

Geert van der Sluis is also the theme leader of perioperative care within FAITH research, a SIA SPRONG research programme on combating frailty, in which Nij Smellinghe is also a partner. The teaching assignment is partly financed by the Nij Smellinghe hospital.

Geert van der Sluis

Geert van der Sluis
