Strategic Decision-Making & Multinational Boardroom

  • Subject or theme
HANZE220230 MIBM Boardroom meeting-2.jpg

In the business simulation game ‘Invitation to the Boardroom’ you and your fellow students will be invited to work on the boardroom case of a real company. We will set you up with a task and a real-life boardroom problem that you will have to solve in limited time, with limited resources and changing parameters. You will step into the role of a boardroom executive and come up with your strategic direction.

This business game requires you to put into practice all that you have learned. The concept of the boardroom gives every course a unique setting, which prepares you for complex decision-making in a dynamic international business environment. To create a business plan, get a go-ahead and begin implementation of the plan, you must communicate and cooperate with external stakeholders, as well as colleagues in all layers of an organisation. Therefore, this master’s programme also has a strong focus on developing communication competences that you can apply in an authentic and multicultural business setting.

Fields of interest

  • Business and Economics