'What I value most is studying with students from different cultures'

  • Student stories
Profile picture of second year International Business Student Clara Altenhövel

Clara Altenhövel is second year student who chose the International Business programme because it covers the core areas of business such as Marketing, Finance, and Business Development.

'When I was in my last year of high school, I was not sure about what I wanted to do afterwards. Therefore, I went to a public information event in my hometown and got to know the International Business School at Hanze for the first time. Students who were representing the Hanze told me about their experience, and I was immediately convinced I should go there for my studies. The students told me about the friendly environment with the teachers and other students and that you can apply the theoretical knowledge you acquire to projects you are collaborating on with other students. As I had no clue what my job would look like later, I chose International Business because it covers the core areas of business.'

'I am in my second year right now and have enjoyed my studies so far. The first year was a challenge because everything was online due to Covid, but the Hanze managed this problem perfectly. The second year was even better because I got to know more people and teachers personally. Every time you struggle or have a question you can reach out to the teacher and get help, which is something I really appreciate. Moreover, my studies are practical with group projects and seminars and therefore I am well prepared for my future job.'

'In the future I would like to do something in Marketing or Human Resource Management. In our third year, we must do a placement and a study abroad which is a great experience to focus on a special field. One thing I value most about studying abroad in the Netherlands is that I am already working and studying with students from different cultures and adapting to new traditions and ways of working.'