Functioning and participation in hospital admissions

Mrs. De Vries is 86 years old. She has had diabetes for many years, five years ago she received an artificial knee and three years ago she underwent heart-valve surgery. She still takes limited strolls outside with a walker.

One day, she takes a taxi to the supermarket, where she still does her own shopping. As she walks out of the shop, a clumsy movement causes her to trip. She has a fall and breaks her hip. Now what? Mrs. de Vries has to go to hospital, that much is clear. But what can be done for her there? Would she survive surgery? Will she ever walk again?

The research strand Functioning and Participating during Hospital Stays researches how a patient can work on his or her physical and mental fitness before a stay in hospital, in order to bring about a better and faster recovery. For this, academic data is translated into practical tools to be used in the consulting room for both patient and healthcare professional involved. This way the patient gains insight into what they can contribute to their own recovery, and how to limit and prevent complications.

