Youth, Education & Society

The research group Youth, Education and Society contributes to healthy ageing and youth participation in the Northern Netherlands. We do this by engaging in practice-based and innovative research projects in four research lines.

With these research lines, we want to answer questions such as:

  • How do youth professionals in the social education domain work in practice and what can they do to stimulate the development of all children?
  • Can we improve or renew this effectively and meaningfully? 
  • How do new partnerships such as integral child centres, neighbourhood teams and partnerships for appropriate education work? 
  • How can we use interprofessional cooperation to stimulate the growth opportunities of all children and young people? 

Who are we?
The research group Youth, Education and Society is a network organisation. It consists of four research lines: Diversity in Learning and Behaviour, Language Functioning & Healthy Ageing, Youth & Living Environment and Comprehensive Approach to Child Abuse. We work closely with the research groups Arts Education and Sport Sciences. Together we contribute to the theme Equal Opportunities & Participation in the field of Healthy Ageing. 

Our team

Sla over
  • Dr. Margreet Luinge

    Professor Language function & Healthy ageing

    Margreet Luinge
  • Dr. Henderien Steenbeek

    Professor Curious Minds

    Henderien Steenbeek
  • Dr. Annelies Kassenberg

    Professor Youth & Living Environment

    Annelies Kassenberg
  • Dr. Susan Ketner

    Professor Comprehensive approach to child abuse

    Susan Ketner

Research lines

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    Youth & Living Environment

    Based on this research line, we want to contribute to an inclusive society. We do this by strengthening the pedagogical living environment of growing children and young people so that they have every opportunity to grow up healthy. The cooperation between professionals and parents and a neighbourhood-oriented approach are our spearheads.

    Handling child poverty
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    Comprehensive Approach to Child Abuse

    This research line contributes to the non-violent upbringing of children in the northern region, to combatting child abuse more often, and making it easier to discuss and end insecurity in families more quickly.

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  • Diversiteit in Leren en Gedrag

    Diversity in Learning and Behaviour

    The research line carries out practice-oriented research into the learning and behaviour of children who have special educational (care) needs, which may be related to, for example, behavioural problems or a physical disability, or a developmental advantage of the child.

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    Language Functioning & Healthy Ageing

    The research line Language Functioning & Healthy Ageing researches the linguistic functioning of both young and old in care and education.

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