Regular International Business bachelor semester

Profile pictures of ten International Business students from different backgrounds.

​IBS offers a number of programme options for exchange students. Besides choosing one of our minors or graduation minors, you can choose to participate in one or two semesters of the regular International Business bachelor's programme.

The International Business programme is divided into two blocks per semester and each block consists of a business project. Within each project, you will receive skills training and apply theoretical knowledge in practice. Dutch language courses are also part of every block.

  • Block 2.1 Talent Management: HRM, intercultural competences in business, labour law, ethics, decision-making
  • Block 2.2 Financial Analysis: financial & managerial accounting, supply chain management
  • Block 2.3 Simulation game TopSim Logistics: finance, operations management, logistics, supply chain management, HRM, marketing
  • Block 2.4 Consulting - Market Entry Strategy: marketing, New Economic Realities, law, cultural diversity

Course outline

Programme overview exchange International Business

Fields of interest

  • Business and Economics