
The third and last semester you will apply your knowledge and skills in a research project at a company or a research centre.

A few examples of graduation projects from our students: 

  • Heat pumps stakeholder’s controversies analysis in the Netherlands: perceptions, barriers, and solutions - in cooperation with kenniscentrum Noorderruimte 

  • The development and realisation of windmills in municipalities in the province of Overijssel - in cooperation with the municipality of Overijssel 

  • Applying bio-based battery systems in Taiwanese solar parks: Barriers, opportunities, and solutions – in cooperation with SuWoTec 

  • Circular-biobased housing construction in the North of the Netherlands: Knowledge-skill gap identification between Construction Companies and Vocational Education & Training – in cooperation with kenniscentrum Noorderruimte 

  • Explorational research on the options for the energy security of Ameland in a volatile energy environment – in coorperation with the municipality of Ameland 

  • Acceleration of aquathermal energy on surface water projects; on how stakeholders can overcome ecological, technical and governance barriers for project implementation – in cooperation with Waterprof