When you choose music, you choose a life with your instrument or your voice

  • Bachelor
  • Full-time
  • 4 years
Zangklas klassieke muziek Oranjewoudfestival21.jpg

Classical Music

4 years
Dutch, English
Bachelor of Music
240 ECTS
Start: September
  • Arts and Culture

When you choose the Classical Music study programme, you choose a life with your instrument or your voice. A passion that you have been working on for years. If you are driven, want to reach the highest level musically and make music your profession, then studying Classical Music at the Prince Claus Conservatoire is an excellent choice.

Our projects and productions

Throughout the year we organise various interesting projects and productions within our departments: music productions, orchestra projects, musical project weeks, collaboration projects with the art academy, the dance academy, external partners and much more! You will work together with your fellow students in different contexts, so that you can develop yourself even better.

Main subject teachers

Teachers per main subject
Sla over

About this programme

Your main instrument is the focal point throughout your studies. The first year is mainly an orientation year. In addition to your main instrument classes, practical training and projects, you will be attending theoretical classes.

Main phase
In the second year your knowledge and skills will be broadened and deepened, in both practical and theoretical subjects. You will be studying the basis of musical entrepreneurship and teaching. In the third and fourth year a lot of time is invested in didactical subjects with a focus on work placements (internal, external and project internships). You can make your own choice in terms of optional modules, that fit your interests or capabilities. You may participate in an international exchange programme. In the final year you will focus on your main instrument, leading to a graduation concert.

There are plenty of opportunities to gain performing experience, including in orchestras, at chamber music evenings, in solo performances or in master classes and concerts, both within the conservatoire and outside. You will also attend regular workshops and master classes given by internationally renowned musicians.

Work placement
Work placements will give you a good picture of your future profession. Work placements can be taken with institutions such as the North Netherlands Orchestra, the Royal Military Band “Johan Willem Friso”, the National Travelling Opera or the Netherlands Radio Choir. You can also gain teaching experience by doing a work placement in education, at a music school or as a private music tutor.

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  • Core subjects

    Jaar 1&2
    Solfège, Contextual studies (CTS), Ensembles, Choir, Piano practicum, Harmony, Non-western music, Arranging, Projects and Productions

    Jaar 3
    CTS, Arranging, Harmony, Ensembles, Musical entrepreneurship, Open credits (electives), Projects and Productions

    Jaar 4
    ​​​​​​​Projects and Productions, Ensembles, Open credits (electives)

After your studies

After graduation you can work as a performing musician in an ensemble, in an orchestra or as a soloist. Perhaps it is your ambition to play in a renowned symphony orchestra or in one of the Dutch professional military ensembles, or you may wish to become a member of a professional or semi-professional chamber choir. Many of our graduates combine playing (chamber music) with teaching at a music school, or they give private lessons. Some perform solo in international concerts.

Whatever your future path is going to be, at the Prince Claus Conservatoire you will be trained to become a versatile musician at a high level. If you also studied for a teaching qualification, you can work at a music school or as a private teacher. Most graduates are self-employed, pursuing ‘portfolio careers’ that combine performance with teaching.

Admission and Application

Attention! Application for the extra round of entrance exams are due on August 31st. Follow the procedure below: To audition at the Prince Claus Conservatoire, the following steps are required:

  • 1. Apply through Studielink

    Apply to do audition for Classical Music before the 1st of March. You can do this through www.studielink.nl. Classical Music is listed under B Music. You will receive an e-mail from Hanze Apply/Osiris with login info. In this module you can specify your instrument.

  • 2. Motivation letter

    We ask you to write a motivation letter and upload it in Hanze Apply/Osiris. Please explain what motivates and moves you and why you want to study Classical Music at the Prince Claus Conservatoire.

  • 3. Pre-selection violin and vocals

    Some instruments have a set pre-selection for live and online applicants. We need you to upload three YouTube videos of you playing different pieces in different styles. These may be the same pieces you want to play at the online audition. Next to these videos of you playing, you need to upload a video of you introducing yourself (max. two minutes). Note that all videos have to be recorded recently and we need you to be recognisable. Two weeks prior to the date of your audition you will receive an e-mail informing you whether you have passed the pre-selection and will be invited for your audition or not.

  • 4. Online audition (only in exceptional cases)

    In general all our auditions are live in Groningen. However, if it’s impossible for you to travel to Groningen you may do your audition online. Please mark this in your application Hanze Apply/Osiris and contact us through email explaining why you can't come to Groningen. We need you to upload three YouTube videos of you playing different pieces in different styles. These may be the same pieces you want to play at the online audition. Next to these videos of you playing, you need to upload a video of you introducing yourself (max. two minutes). Note that all videos have to be recorded recently and we need you to be recognisable.

  • 5. English requirements

    As part of your enrolment, you have to upload an English certificate with a minimum IELTS score of 6.0 with no subscores below 5.5 (or an equivalent at comparable language tests like TOEFL, Cambridge ESOL etc). Check the general Hanze UAS application and entry requirements through the info block below.

Everything you need to know about the auditions



Head of department and support

Prince Claus Conservatoire

Fields of interest

  • Arts and Culture
Apply for this programme