Develop your marketing skills in an international environment

  • Bachelor
  • Full-time
  • 4 years
Drie studenten achter laptop 2022

Marketing Management

4 years
Bachelor of Science
240 ECTS
Start: September
  • Language and Communication
  • Business and Economics

Are you interested in studying in an international environment with students from over 35 nationalities? Would you like to learn how to determine the needs and wants of customers, and how to convince them to buy your brand and not the competitors'? Are you ready to dive into international marketing issues? Then Marketing Management might be the right choice for you!

Projects with impact

What makes studying at Hanze UAS unique is that you will work on projects for real clients and contribute to concrete solutions for current issues impacting society. Below, you can find some examples of projects our students engage in.

We are Marketing Management

Sla over
  • Rinnie Mol-Bruinsma


  • Mariia Stolyga


    Mariia Stolyga
  • Oeds Baart


    Oeds Baart

About this programme

The essence of marketing is to convince a consumer, whether an individual or a business, why they should choose your product or service (and not that of a competitor). Due to digitalisation and globalisation, the marketing field is fast-evolving and trend-sensitive. The social media tools businesses use to promote their products nowadays will probably have changed five years from now. As a marketing professional, keeping up with the latest developments is a constant challenge. 

This is why, in our Marketing Management programme at Hanze UAS, we teach you theory as well as help you develop the skills you need in order to stay on top of your game. Every unit in our programme consists of theory, projects done in international project groups, and skill-building.

Naturally, we teach you how to aim for profit, but we also find it important to take the world around us into consideration. Therefore, we draw special attention to the topics of ethics and corporate social responsibility. Besides that, we focus on intercultural competencies throughout the programme. You will work in international and intercultural project groups. This may be challenging at first, but it will be a lot of fun and an enriching experience in the end.

Course overview

Year 1

The first year focuses on the fundamentals of marketing and the operational level of management. It gives you an introduction to the fields of marketing and organisation theory. Subjects and assignments will mostly focus on marketing, economics, corporate communication and sales. In international project groups, you will work on practical marketing cases for (real-life) clients and bring theory into practice. The subjects offered are very much related to these assignments. We aim to deepen your cultural awareness and broaden your horizons.

Year 2

In the second year you will learn how to approach the market. You will learn about customer behaviour and how to translate that information into a practical product or service. Research enables you to answer questions such as: how to approach customers, who exactly are your customers, what price do you charge for your product and how will you inform potential customers, offline as well as online. You will also acquire more in-depth knowledge about marketing planning, sales and customer relations as part of an organisation's overall marketing policy.

Year 3

During your third year, you will do an internship. Here you will see how marketing communication and sales work in daily practice. You will also do a small research project as part of this internship. If you are Dutch, we want to challenge you to acquire international experience, which is why you are required to do your internship abroad. Non-Dutch students can choose whether they want to do their internship abroad or in the Netherlands.

After your internship, you can opt for a minor programme of your choice. A minor is a 30 ECTS elective semester during which you can choose to either broaden or deepen your knowledge. You can opt for a minor programme offered by Hanze UAS, but you can also pursue a minor programme at another Dutch university of applied sciences. Love to travel? You can go and study abroad at one of our partner universities located all around the world!

Year 4

In the first semester of the fourth year, you can choose from a selection of elective courses to deepen your knowledge in the areas that interest you most. During the second semester, you will do a graduation project, combining all the knowledge and skills you have gained during the degree programme. You will do a complete assignment, from first analysis to the final recommendations, commissioned by a company or organisation and supervised by our lecturers. You could be asked to introduce or improve online marketing at a company or write a marketing or sales plan, for example. Upon graduation you already have two professional marketing experiences on your CV, which will give you a head start as you embark on your career, anywhere in the world.


You will be appointed a study coach at the start of the first year, who will remain with you until you complete your programme in the fourth year. Your study coach will monitor your development as a student and can advise you on any choices you need to make during your studies. They will also discuss your results with you at the end of each of the four periods of the year. The study coach will help you develop the skills you need to be a successful student and marketeer. You can approach them with all your questions about your degree programme.

After your studies

Pursue a master's degree

Upon graduation you will be able to continue your studies by pursuing a master's programme, such as the MSc in Business Studies (Interdisciplinary Business Professional) offered by the Hanze University of applied Sciences. You can also apply for a master's programme at another Dutch university or pursue a marketing or business related master's programme abroad.

Career prospects

Our alumni are located around the world and work at top global companies, such as Amazon, Google, IBM, Rabobank, Volkswagen, PwC, and Philips. So be prepared for an exciting career in the dynamic, trend-sensitive and highly innovative world of marketing! The most popular jobs include a wide variety, such as:

  • social media marketeer
  • account manager
  • digital marketeer
  • communications manager
  • entrepreneur
  • sales manager

Entry requirements

International students from all countries are encouraged to apply. Admission is usually based on your secondary educational background and diplomas. A national (home country) secondary school diploma or international secondary school qualification, such as an International Baccalaureate Diploma, is required. It must have a similar or equivalent level to the Dutch HAVO secondary school diploma. 

Admission & Application

International Service Desk
Available for: help with practical matters, such as finding accommodation in Groningen, getting the right insurance, visa, residence and work permits.

Student Administration
Available for: questions about admission requirements, application process and the enrolment.

Staff team The Marketing Management Programme

Available for: questions about the Marketing Management programme.



Mieke van der Haag, educational support year 3 and 4
E-mail[email protected]

  Annemieke Wouda-Vennik, educational support year 1 and 2 Marketing Management

E-mail[email protected]


Annet Huisman, programme manager Marketing Management
E-mail: [email protected]

Fields of interest

  • Business and Economics
  • Language and Communication
Apply for this programme